I think this is something we can all agree on: it’s important to wash your produce. Everything from pesticides to harmful bacteria can be lingering on food. Yuck! But that shouldn’t stop us from enjoying delicious and fresh fruits and veggies. By using this simple produce wash, you can ensure your food stays clean. Plus you can rest easy knowing you’re using only natural ingredients. Just make sure to properly rinse your fruits and veggies to avoid ingesting any essential oils.
DIY Produce Wash
What you’ll need:
- A bowl of cool water (approximately 2 quarts)
- 5-6 drops Castile Soap
- 2 drops Lemon Essential Oil
What you’ll do:
- Soak your produce for 20-30 seconds, then rinse.
- Drain or pat dry.
- Storing in the fridge is needed.
*Make sure you rinse your veggies and fruits thoroughly, you don’t want to accidentally ingest your oils or soap!