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Get More Exercise Using Essential Oils


Get More Exercise Using Essential Oils

Most of us could all benefit from adding a bit more exercise into our lives. But it can be so hard! We go to work, take care of our families, manage bills, and every other adult-ish task in between. Squeezing in even that half hour of exercise can be a chore. And let’s be honest, none of us want to take on another chore. So the trick to getting in some daily exercise is to change your perception about it; don’t think of it as something you have to do, but rather something that you want to do. Get excited about exercise! Enjoy spending the time working on yourself and feel good about all the new energy you are bringing into your life.

get more exercise with essential oils resolution

Using essential oils alongside your workout goals is a great way to stay motivated and get the most out of each and every exercise you commit to. Let’s take a look at a few great essential oil options:

Eucalyptus Globulus

women exercising

This oil is great to use topically because of its ability to ease soreness and promote a healthy inflammatory response. In fact, many over-the-counter medications for joint and muscle health include this potent essential oil for that reason. It is ideal to help comfort muscles that are sore and tired after a strenuous workout, helping to make the whole exercise experience much better! You can also diffuse it to help increase your energy and sustain a positive mood.

Tea Tree

tea tree essential oil plant therapy

The fresh, medicinal, green-woodsy scent is a great way to freshen up your at-home gym or even to use before and after exercising on public gym equipment. It can also boost energy levels and support your body’s immune response, helping to prepare your mind and body for an awesome workout!

Orange Blood

If you’re coming home after an unpleasantly stressful day at work, exercise may be the last thing you want to do. Thankfully, diffusing Orange Blood can help you put aside the stressors of the day and focus on your own well being. When diffused, it offers that energizing, uplifting, and stimulating citrusy scent that is great for a pick-me-up.

Balm Mint Bush

This amazing essential oil offers a rich mint aroma with crisp eucalyptus notes that will help to uplift your mood and energize your environment. It is rich in methol content, making it perfect to help ease respiratory agitation so that you can enjoy your workout!

Energy Blend

If you can’t tell by the very obvious name, this blend of essential oils was designed especially to boost your energy! When your energy level is low, exercising just doesn’t work out very well — but when energy is high, you can feel more confident and capable of pushing yourself to get a really great workout. The uplifting oils of Orange Blood and Geranium Egyptian help to ease away tension from daily stress and balance emotions; Peppermint and Lemon add an energizing burst to help stay alert and focused; Ginger Root and Eucalyptus Globulus bring warmth and healthy circulation to revitalize the mind and body.

woman exercising

Rapid Relief Blend

It’s not just muscles that can cause discomfort after exercise; sore joints can also be an unpleasant side effect after working out. Thankfully, Rapid Relief can help! The essential oils used in this blend can help warm the areas of concern and increase circulation — helping provide a sense of relief and ease. Just don’t forget the carrier oil. Dilute to 3-5% in order to safely use on skin.