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Aromatherapy Bubbles


Aromatherapy Bubbles

Aromatherapy Bubbles with Plant Thearpy Relax or KidSafe Calming the Child

Have you run out of cool summer fun for your kiddos? I am at my wits’ end trying to entertain all my munchkins. This was such a fun idea I had to share. Aromatherapy bubbles! BONUS: it’s super easy and keeps them entertained for an hour! Some other great recipes for kids are Finger Paint, Play Dough, and Sand!

What you’ll need:
What you’ll do:
  1. Add 4 drops of essential per ounce of bubbles.
  2. Have fun!

See, I told you it was simple! We like to do this in the bathroom, in swimsuits. Kids are happy and then I just rinse everything down. I like to try to do this at the end of the week when the bathroom needs a good wipe down anyhow! It’s a win-win for everyone!