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Tropical Body Scrub DIY


Tropical Body Scrub DIY

Can’t make it to the beach this summer? No problem. Bring the beach to you! This easy to make Tropical Body Scrub will give you all the beach vibes without stepping foot outside your house. All you need is Melt & Pour Soap Base, Solid Coconut Oil, White Sugar and your favorite tropical blend! You can use either Tropical Passion, a bold, fruity blend reminiscent of your favorite summer party, or Honeybell, a citrus blend with hints of wood notes. The result is fantastic body scrub bars that will leave your skin smooth, soft and ready for summer.

Tropical Body Scrub DIY

Tropical Body Scrub

What you’ll need:

Add Tropical Passion to your cart

What you’ll do:

Put the soap base and coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 15-30 seconds until melted. Add 39 drops of Tropical Passion or Honeybell and mix well. Add sugar and mix to incorporate. It will begin to harden fast. Microwave for just 10-15 second more and pour into a mold of your choice. Spray with rubbing alcohol to remove bubbles.

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