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The Throat Chakra: True Expression


The Throat Chakra: True Expression

Continuing with our journey through the seven chakras, today we reach the 5th chakra – the throat chakra. If you haven’t been keeping up with our blogs this week, make sure to read through our first four chakra posts. You’ll learn all about them and how aromatherapy contributes to our wellness in these specific areas!

The throat chakra’s location rests at the center of the neck, just above the “v” of the collar bone and below the larynx. It encompasses the anatomical areas of the thyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, and tongue – making it the chakra that aligns with the communication and expression of yourself Our True Expression blend is designed to support this chakra with its cooling, fruity, and refreshing aroma, made with the essential oils of Ho Wood, Lavender Fine, Spearmint, and Blue Tansy.

Your Throat Chakra

The throat chakra represents your ability to produce clear and flowing communication with ourselves and others. The energy that flows freely through this narrow passage in our chakra system supports the mind and body link vital to understanding our own needs. An unblocked Throat Chakra allows us to speak our minds in ways that are compassionate and proactive.

The turquoise chakra

plant therapy essential oils chakra essential oil blends throat chakraThe throat chakra is represented by the color turquoise or aquamarine blue.

The symbol of the throat chakra is made up of a circle with sixteen petals and crescent with a circle inside of it. Sometimes, it is shown as a circle containing a downward-pointing triangle with another circle inside.

What happens when your throat chakra is blocked?

We’ve all come across people who use their voice in toxic ways. Lying, gossiping, manipulating, and being verbally abusive are signs of a blocked throat chakra. Additionally, those who are too fearful to speak and lack the confidence to express themselves truthfully may also have an unhealthy 5th chakra.

When blocked by fear, the throat chakra can easily become congested with our repressed ability to express our true essence. Physically, symptoms may include hearing problems, neck pain, dental issues, a chronic sore throat, and teeth grinding.

Bringing your Throat Chakra into balance:

There is a delicate balance when authentically expressing yourself. Being truthful – in a way that is kind and compassionate – does not always come easily to everyone. This may be because it is so much easier to say what you think someone wants to hear rather than speak truthfully. Maybe it’s because you imagine ridicule and judgment for speaking genuinely. Either way, unblocking your throat chakra means finding the confidence within yourself to verbalize your own personal truths, opinions, needs, and wants. This chakra allows you to connect to your own ability to identify and speak your needs with integrity.

Use your voice in any way to get that positive energy flowing through your throat chakra. Sing, read out loud, speak up when in public, and laugh – laugh as much as you can! Maybe you need to practice using your voice, and that’s okay. Write down what you want to learn to express to others and practice saying it out loud. Communication isn’t just about using your voice, though; communication is also about listening. When others are speaking, practice active listening – don’t passively “hear” the words, but really listen, understand, and respond purposefully.

True Expression is soothing, cooling, and calming to the spirit while nurturing a sense of self-esteem, confidence, and strength. This unique blend helps to release energetic congestion to create a sense of opening and expansion.

To use this blend, you can add to a personal inhaler or diffuser. Putting a drop or two on a tissue and wafting it away from your nose is another fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of this blend. To apply this amazing aroma topically, dilute True Expression to 1% in your favorite carrier oil. You can anoint the area of your throat chakra by massaging this intentionally in a clockwise direction.

Yoga for the throat chakra

plant therapy chakra essential oil blends throat chakra

To improve the ability to communicate clearly, use True Expression to activate your Throat Chakra. Apply the oil blend to your throat, settle into the pose and repeat, “My thoughts are positive, and I express myself truthfully and clearly.”

True Expression essential oils pendant

Try this DIY Pendant using True Expression to help connect to your inner essence, as well as higher consciousness, to know and outwardly express your authentic self through truth.

What you’ll need:

  • Premade Clay Pendant


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What you’ll do:

Add a drop or two of True Expression to the premade clay pendant, while holding the pendant away from your body. If making the pendant, follow the baking/drying instructions on your clay (don’t forget to add the hole for the cord or string). This necklace should sit in the area of the fifth chakra, which is the point just above the V of the collarbone and under the larynx.

Want to learn more?

Plant Therapy chakra blends essential oilsOur amazing Certified Aromatherapists have written two exceptional blogs that dive deeper into the subjects of chakras and subtle aromatherapy:


  1. Judith, A. (2006). Chakra Balancing. Boulder, CO: Sounds True. pgs. 55, 57-58, 61-62
  2. Virginia, K., & Khalsa, D. (2017). Essential kundalini yoga: An invitation to radiant health, unconditional love, and the awakening of your energetic potential. Boulder, CO: Sounds True. pg. 15
  3. Mercier, P. (2007). The Chakra Bible: The definitive guide to working with chakras. London: Godsfield Press. pgs. 67, 92, 238, 258
  4. Judith, A. (2016). Wheels of Life: A users guide to the Chakra system. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.pg. 234, 236 – 238
  5. Virginia, K., & Khalsa, D. (2017). Essential kundalini yoga: An invitation to radiant health, unconditional love, and the awakening of your energetic potential. Boulder, CO: Sounds True. pg. 26
  6. Rathor, R.K. (2014) The Seven Chakra System of Hatha Yoga. Retrieved from https://www.aurawellnesscenter.com/2013/08/14/the-seven-chakra-system-of-hatha-yoga
  7. chakras.info/opening-throat-chakra
  8. chakras.info/throat-chakra-blockage
  9. chakras.info/throat-chakra