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Reduce Back To School Stress in 5 Simple Steps


Reduce Back To School Stress in 5 Simple Steps

It’s no surprise to anyone that back to school time is stressful for everyone. Let’s face it… you are going to spend the next year getting your kids ready for school, making sure they are clean and dressed, making sure they’ve had a proper breakfast. And you have to make sure they get out the door fast enough to catch the bus. And let’s not forget the hours you’re going to spend every evening fighting with your kids to do homework (that’s how works at my house at least). Stressful, yeah? I bet you can’t wait to sit back and enjoy some cheese and glass of wine once all the kids are in bed.

But what about the kids? They spend about 7-8 hours a day sitting at a desk under harsh fluorescent lights listening, writing, testing, and studying. Hopefully being on their best behavior and doing whatever they are told. I imagine for a kid, that’s all pretty stressful. I myself, an adult, find it stressful to sit all day long, doing my obligatory work to ensure I can afford to put a roof over my family and food on the table. To top off their day, they come home and continue to do school work. More studying, more homework, and even more listening. So what can we do as parents to help them relieve stress and relax after a hard at school?

We’ve put together a list of five stress-relieving activities you can do with your children to relax and build relationships, all at the same time.

1. Calming the Child Playdough

mom and kid baking

What you’ll need:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 Tbsp cream of tartar
  • Food coloring
  • 1 cup flour
  • 10 drops Calming the Child synergy diluted in 10mL of Carrier Oil

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What you’ll do:

Mix all ingredients (except essential oils) in a large non-stick pot. Heat on medium while stirring. Once the dough gets too hard to stir, remove from heat and let cool. Knead the dough in a little bit of flour to help with stickiness. Slowly add your essential oil mixture into the dough and keep kneading. Once you have the perfect consistency, enjoy!

Our Calming the Child Playdough recipe makes one of the best stress-relieving activities OF ALL TIME. Who doesn’t like to play with play dough? I’m an adult, and I love it. This playdough isn’t just an ordinary, everyday dough. It has calming essential oils in it that are known to relax the mind and body which reduces stress. That’s what we’re after, isn’t it?

2. Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath

Woman and child bath time shower

If your kiddos are still young enough for you to give them a bath, make it a Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath! Bath time is the perfect time to relax and unwind while building healthy relationships. One of our favorite things to do is sing songs and do finger plays with our Paw Patrol finger puppets. These little activities paired with calming essential oils in the bubble bath. Your kids are sure to feel a lot less stressed. Just add 15 drops of Sweet Dreams into 20mL of an unscented bubble bath base and add it to the tub.

3. Coloring

Children finger painting: stress-relieving activity

Coloring is the perfect stress-relieving activity… for kids and adults! I’m sure you have all seen the new coloring books that have hit the store shelves. They’re intricate, beautifully designed coloring pages just for teens and adults. Grab yourself one the next time you are at the store, along with a box of colored pencils. While you’re out, pick up a coloring book for each of your kiddos and a new box of crayons. Sit down at the dining room table and dive in. There is no right or wrong way to color, so it’s great for your kids to just let loose (and you too!).

Head over to our Downloads page to find a fun selection of Plant Therapy coloring pages!

4. Story Time

young girl reading: stress-relieving activity

This is a classic stress-relieving activity for all people. One of my favorite pastimes is sitting on the couch with my nose in a book. It’s the only time, other than vacation, when you get to visit a new place and explore a new life. It’s also one of the few times you can sit in a comfy chair with your kiddos in your lap for extra snuggles. We love reading new books together while snuggling on the couch.

5. Family Dance Party

Family happy at the beach

We’ve saved the best for last: Family Dance Party! Put in a CD or pull up your family’s playlist and just cut loose! This is the perfect opportunity for you and your kiddos to just unwind, sing at the top of your lungs, and shake your wiggles out. Allowing your kids to see you dance around acting silly will take your relationship to the next level. It also shows them that it is okay to have fun, be silly, and just enjoy life. What’s more relaxing than that?!

For more ways you can enjoy essential oils as a family, be sure to join our Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) Facebook Group.