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Meditation and Self Care for the New Year


Meditation and Self Care for the New Year

Another year is coming to a close. And now is the time that most people start looking to the start of the new year. We’re planning the changes we’re going to make, how we want to improve, determined to make the next year better than the last. But before we throw 2019 to the wind, it’s also important to take time to reflect on everything that happened in the last year, what we’re thankful for, even if we’re glad it’s finally over, and everything we want to get out of the new year. Meditation offers an incredible opportunity for reflection on all of this. It also provides the space to take a minute and recover from the craziness of the holidays, get centered, prepare our minds for what’s to come. Plus, it gives you another excuse to bust out your essential oils (as if you need one).


Woman reading a book in front of the fire

The holidays are finally over. Even though they can be such a wonderful time for so many, it can also be incredibly draining. Maybe money’s tight or family is crazy or the pressure of having the perfect Christmas is just too much. So before you jump straight into planning your New Year’s resolutions or even packing up the decorations, give yourself a moment to breathe, relax and rest. The decorations can wait another week. Keep in mind, you know best what’s going to rejuvenate your spirit. Maybe it’s a bubble bath with your favorite book. Maybe it’s a movie night with your friends to something that’s not animated. Or maybe it’s a romantic night out with the spouse. Whatever it is, give yourself time to take that little break and enjoy the moment.

And if a little pampering is your way of treating yourself to some R&R, try one of these fun DIYs:


Shot of a beautiful young woman practicing yoga at home

Taking time to yourself is just the start. Meditation is another fantastic way to practice self-care and unwind after the holidays. It’s known to support overall wellness by “cultivating a focused awareness on the present moment. When our mind is calm, it seems like everything else just falls into place. Also, aromas can powerfully influence our mind, body, and spirit, which makes them a perfect addition to your meditation practices. Here are some great suggestions for essential oils to use in meditation:

And don’t forget about our Chakra synergies! These synergies were created with the intention of supporting balance in each of the individual chakras while providing a gently inviting and accessible experience. We recommend you use these synergies at much less intensity than usual for the mind and body in order to resonate, rather than overwhelm, the subtle nature of our energy. You can read more about each blend and its corresponding chakra here.


Woman's hand writing in her notebook

A whole year is behind us. And a lot can happen in one year. Career changes, love, heartbreak, new life, and loss. There are many great ways to unpack a year’s worth of experiences and journaling is an especially good one. Putting pen to paper requires us to slow down and to filter what truly was important about the events and emotions of the previous year. And hopefully, in the extra moments, we can discover what we’re thankful for, put negativity in the past, and start dreaming and planning for what we want in the new year.

And here’s an extra perk: regularly journaling has shown long-term positive side effects, such as a reduction in anxiety and an increase in gratitude and positive thinking . There are several great essential oils that can help pick up your energy, encourage introspection, and invite positive, productive thoughts! Check out our top five essential oils to support journaling.


Woman relaxing at home

A new year, a fresh start, it’s time to start dreaming! And it doesn’t have to be the typical New Year’s resolution either. Maybe you want to find a better job, travel somewhere new, learn a skill, try exotic food. Or maybe it is one of the more traditional resolutions to eat healthily, quit smoking, or start exercising. Whatever it is that gets you excited, make sure that it is both achievable and meaningful. Don’t choose to do things because of what others want or what society expects of you. If it’s not something you’re passionate about, you’re not likely to stay with it and make it happen. Whatever it is that’s getting you excited for the new year, remember that you’ve got this. And essential oils are always there to help.


Walton, Alice G. (2015, February 9). “7 Ways Meditation Can Actually Change the Brain.” Forbes.com. PHARMA & HEALTHCARE.

Niles, A. N., Haltom, K. E., Mulvenna, C. M., Lieberman, M. D., & Stanton, A. L. (2013). Randomized controlled trial of expressive writing for psychological and physical health: the moderating role of emotional expressivity. Anxiety, stress, and coping, 27(1), 1-17.

Sansone, R. A., & Sansone, L. A. (2010). Gratitude and well being: the benefits of appreciation. Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township)), 7(11), 18-22.