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How to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season


How to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

The holidays really are the most wonderful time of the year. Well, except for germs. Those are decidedly not wonderful. And while getting sick may seem like an inevitability this holiday season, there’s a lot you can do to stay healthy and protect yourself as those seasonal illnesses make the rounds.

Keep Your Hands Clean

hand about to pump soap

While washing your hands isn’t necessarily new advice, it’s still just as important as ever. Research suggests that up to a million deaths could be prevented if everyone washed their hands routinely throughout the day. The important keyword here is proper handwashing. Running your hands under the water for a few seconds just isn’t going to cut it. To wash your hands properly, you should follow these simple steps:

  1. Get your hands wet with warm water.
  2. Apply soap to your hand and lather.
  3. Vigorously rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds.
    1. To help time yourself while you wash, sing, “Tops and Bottoms, Tops and Bottoms, (Rub top and bottom of hands) In between, In between, (Rub fingers inside on both hands) Rub your hands together, rub your hands together, (Do as it says) squeaky clean, squeaky clean.
  4. Rinse all the soap off your hands.
  5. Dry your hands with a paper towel or a clean towel.
  6. Using your towel, turn the water off.

For a fun DIY foaming hand soap recipe you can make with your kids, check out this recipe!

Diffuse, Diffuse, Diffuse

Plant Therapy Immune Aid Blend

Whether it’s your Aromafuse, personal inhaler, Crystal Carfresh or your aromatherapy necklace, diffusing is a great way to help boost your immune system during the holiday season. Also, be sure to check out our new 30 mL Roll-Ons! They are an easy and convenient way to use oils on the go. Both Immune Boom and Immune Aid are powerful blends designed to support a healthy immune system. They’ll help keep you and your family healthy when the colds are seemingly everywhere. And if you’re unlucky enough to get sick, it can even help you recover faster.

For more tips on using essential oils to keep you and your family healthy during the holidays, be sure to check out our Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) Facebook Group.