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February Oil of the Month: Cherry Cordial


February Oil of the Month: Cherry Cordial

It’s pretty amazing what a handful of aromatic components can create when they are masterfully put together in just the right way. Our Cherry Cordial blend smells so wonderfully true to the decadent candy it’s modeled after that it’s hard to believe we didn’t just smash a bunch of the candies up and squeeze them into 10 mL bottles!

Cherry cordial candy cracked open to reveal the cherry and syrup


Who would have thought the smell of the sweet, juicy, chocolate confection with the syrupy, cherry center could be recreated using only 8 ingredients? Lovingly and thoughtfully, our team of aromatherapists found the perfect blend! Using Copaiba Balsam, Vanilla Extract, Cocoa Absolute, Vanilla Oleoresin, Coffee, Bitter Almond (Rectified), Cognac, and Massoia Bark, Cherry Cordial came to life and (hopefully!) found its way to your doorstep.

Its mouth-watering, sumptuous aroma of chocolate has an irresistible burst of sweetness and cherry that you can enjoy all year long. Given that the word “cordial” stems from the Latin word “cor,” meaning heart, Cherry Cordial is the perfect blend to celebrate this sweetheart month!

Man and woman hugging with red heart balloons


Cherry Cordial’s deliciously sweet and distinct fragrance is a perfect way to help your home smell rich and chocolatey, with a burst of cherry sweetness. You can also add it to your personal aromatherapy necklace or personal inhaler to keep the cheerful scent with you all day long. To use it as a lovely lotion, just dilute to 1-2% and apply topically. A lotion or body cream using Cherry Cordial would make a great gift for someone special in your life. Plus, it’s so unique you know it’ll be a one-of-a-kind present.

Since this blend was made entirely from a fragrance perspective, its benefits stem mainly from a person’s emotional connection with the scent. We hope that the sweet candy-like smell brings about good childhood memories, reminds you of your grandparents, or stirs up leftover holiday cheer!

Cocoa powder with chunks of chocolate on a gray background


While you’re more than welcome to try your hand at blending with Cherry Cordial, keep in mind that any additional element will lead to a less cherry cordial-type smell. Of course, that makes experimenting even more fun, since you never know what you’ll end up with. If you create something amazing, be sure to let us know in the comments below.

Although it’s not a great choice for blending (since it’s already a blend, duh!), it can make a great addition to all kinds of DIY projects! Try your hand with this candle melt recipe. It’s a fun, new way to get the most out of your Cherry Cordial!

Cherry Cordial Candle Melts:

What you’ll need:

  • 4 oz Beeswax Pearls
  • 18-20 drops Cherry Cordial Blend
  • Heart-shaped molds

What you’ll do:

  1. Melt beeswax over a double boiler.
  2. Remove from heat and stir in Cherry Cordial.
  3. Carefully pour into mold.
  4. Allow wax to set up completely before removing.

Some things you need to know about Cherry Cordial:

Is it KidSafe? No

Cautions: Do not use undiluted on skin. Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. External use only.

Shelf Life: 2-3 years

Don’t miss out on our future exclusive Oils of the Month!

For more information and ways to use Cherry Cordial or our other blends, check out our Safe Essential Oil Recipes group on Facebook!