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Essential Oil Fire Ant (Bug Bite) Remedy


Essential Oil Fire Ant (Bug Bite) Remedy


PSA: It’s summer, which means it’s also Fire Ant (and other mean insect) season!

I know this because my foot just got completely chewed up by fire ants in a split second while I was getting the mail. I’ll save you the details, but I couldn’t get those spawns of Satan off my foot and ankle and out of my shoe fast enough. Ouch!!

Thankfully, I have a great essential oil synergy recipe I created from a previous episode to put out the fire. Unfortunately, I did not have a current batch mixed. Trust me when I say you can’t blend it fast enough standing on one foot, trying not to cry, and creatively cursing all at the same time!

So, this is your annual PSA to have some mixed and ready to go to soothe the symptoms of those bites and stings. Especially those hellacious ones that burn and itch all at once:


Fire Fighter blend:

* If you have Chamomile German CO2, even better. Just reduce to 1 drop vs 3 of the essential oil.

KidSafe®: Yes

Cautions: Blue Cypress should not be used during pregnancy or with breastfeeding mothers. Chamomile German may have certain drug interactions. If choosing Chamomile German CO2, we recommend a 0.1% – 0.2% dilution for topical use.

Instructions: Mix in a PET container. Apply as needed up to 4x a day. This is a 3.5% dilution and is meant for short term use on local areas.