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Make Your Own Body Butter With Your Favorite Essential Oil Blend


Make Your Own Body Butter With Your Favorite Essential Oil Blend

By Tyler Hagen, Certified Aromatherapist & SEOR Admin

It is no lie that saying goodbye can be hard, and we all know that embracing change can be just as hard. But what if I told you that you didn’t have to say goodbye forever, at least not when it comes to our previous line of body creams. Intriguing, right?

Our New Unscented Body Butter is Perfect for DIYs!

Let’s take a look at our new rich and creamy Naturally Unscented Body Butter! Our Naturally Unscented Body Butter is luxurious and smooth without any scent, making it the perfect tool to keep in your aromatherapy arsenal. The best part is that this body butter is 100% completely customizable! Yep, you heard it right, customizable! You can add whatever essential oils or blends you want, keeping in mind the safety precautions behind each one.

I know, I promised you could bring your favorite Calming the Child body cream back from the ashes. And here’s the thing… you can! All you need is a little bit of our new Naturally Unscented Body Butter.

diy essential oil infused body butter

Essential Oil Infused Body Butter DIY

What you’ll need:

Add Unscented Body Butter to your cart

What you’ll do:

Measure out your body butter into your new container. Add your essential oils and stir!

That’s all you have to do! No more having to buy a special cream for this or a cream for that. Just add your oils or blends of choice and you, my friend, can accomplish anything. So what are you waiting for? Get yours today!

For more great recipes, DIYs, and oily information, join our Facebook group Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) today!