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DIY Deodorant


DIY Deodorant

Plant Therapy DIY Deodorant

By: Kimberly Daun, Certified Aromatherapist

I was recently talking to a friend about traditional deodorants. Our conversation was eye-opening as she enlightened me to just how harmful they can be. Upon conducting research, I found there to be aluminum in virtually all store-bought brands. Not being entirely sure what that would do to my body, I decided to find out for myself. Some of the most alarming side effects are that it clogs your pores and therefore minimizes your ability to sweat. My initial response to that information was — well, isn’t that what deodorant is supposed to do?

However, our bodies were made to sweat, as it in an effective and healthy way of eliminating toxins. I think we already have enough hygiene products that we don’t feel entirely comfortable using, or even somewhere we avoid the ingredients label altogether. I set out to find a homemade deodorant recipe that I felt was safe and would help me maintain my hygienic sanity as two of my boys approach their teen years. As an added bonus, it’s only 1/3 of the cost of traditional deodorants. After some trial and error, the best one I have found is the following coconut oil deodorant recipe.

Baking Soda: I use this often to neutralize odors around the house. It helps balance your’ body’s PH levels keeping you smelling nice. You know your skin the best, if you feel like this ingredient is a bit abrasive for you then replacing it with arrowroot powder will give you the same results. If replacing it entirely doesn’t resonate with your skin type either you can use both baking soda and arrowroot powder and find a good balance of both. Luckily with this recipe you can fine tune it to you or your family’s needs.

Arrow Root: Absorbs excess moisture and the contains calcium chloride to help balance your PH levels.

Cornstarch: Rather than blocking your pores, like store bought deodorant, it helps to absorb excess moisture. It can help soothe skin irritation, relieve issues caused by warm/damp environments, and keep your underarms nice and dry.

Solid Coconut Oil: This is another ingredient that helps keep your body balanced and eliminate skin conditions that can potentially cause an unpleasant odor. The high content of Lauric Acid found in coconut oil offers a nice support to your immune system.

Bentonite Clay: This is my favorite ingredient because it actually HELPS your body by drawing out toxins, keeping your lymph nodes clear. Your lymph nodes are a part of your body largely responsible for fighting infection, illness, and eliminating things the body doesn’t need or may be harmful. Keeping your lymph nodes clear is necessary for a fully functioning immune system. How cool to add an extra boost to your health by using your deodorant, and it doesn’t stain!

Tea Tree: Essential Oil: Warm and damp places are an ideal place for fungus and other germs, aka our underarms on any given day. Luckily, Tea Tree Essential Oil is a great remedy for the unwanted substances and whatever odor could accompany them. Tea Tree has a high content of Terpinen-4-ol which is what makes unpleasant odor lose the battle. If you struggle with skin sensitivity or razor burn Tea Tree can also help with bumps, breakouts, and general skin irritation. Because of its immune boosting constituents, it has health benefits that extend far beyond your underarms. Not only do I LOVE the aroma of Tea Tree but it was also the first essential oil I was introduced to so it has a special place for me. Because, of the previous factors Tea Tree was the best options for me, however, if you want a bit more soft and synergistic aroma, Lavender is a really fabulous addition. Not only does it help with odors but it also has a very calming effect on the mind and body.

Beeswax Pearls: I used this to ensure the deodorant would stay solid at room temperature. We throw these in our gym bags and I would hate to open it up to a melted mess when I need deodorant the most! Not to mention the benefits of vitamin A for your skin and immune system.

What you’ll need

What you’ll do

  1. Over a double boiler melt beeswax and coconut oil.
  2. Remove from heat.
  3. Whisk in dry ingredients and essential oils.
  4. Pour into Twist Tube.
  5. Let sit until hard.

Plant Therapy DIY deodorant

I specifically wanted to stay with a 1% dilution for my essential oils since we’ll be using this often. This will help minimize the risks associated with sensitization. This is my FAVORITE natural deodorant recipe and has given me the option of never going back to expensive and unsafe store bought deodorant. Using this natural deodorant helps me to smell nice and boost my immune system.

What are your favorite essential oils to combat unpleasant odors?