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PT Policies: Where We Stand on Controversial Topics


PT Policies: Where We Stand on Controversial Topics

When it comes to essential oils, there is a lot of information floating around out there. And much of it is conflicting. We understand how confusing that can be when you’re just looking for answers. Before we get started, it’s important to know that the safety of our customers always, always comes first. We will never recommend a practice or usage for essential oils that could potentially be unsafe. This holds true for everything from our recommended topical dilution rates to whether or not an oil makes our KidSafe list. Without any further ado, let’s take a look at Plant Therapy’s Policies.

Ingesting Essential Oils

Dried herbs and flowers on wooden spoons

First things first, all of our essential oils are 100% pure, free from any chemicals or pesticides and are therefore ingestible. However, we do not recommend the ingestion of any essential oils. They are highly concentrated and have the capacity to cause serious damage if used internally without the necessary expertise required in administering it. The International Federation of Aromatherapists does not recommend that essential oils be taken internally unless under the supervision of a medical doctor who is also qualified in clinical aromatherapy. You can find a clinical aromatherapist through the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy.

Essential Oils and Babies

young mom and her baby asleep on a bed

When it comes to using essential oils on or around your infant, we recommend caution as your little one is still developing and growing. The baby uses smell to recognize its mother and adding essential oils to them can interfere with this bond between a mother and the baby. The little one also has several body systems that have not reached maturity. The skin continues to mature and is much more permeable until 6 months of age. The risk of skin irritation and adverse reactions are also higher. For a detailed guide on using essential oils on children under the age of two, check out this post. And as always, there are gentler alternatives like hydrosols and infused carrier oils.

For further reading on essential oils and babies, we have several articles to help make sure you and your little ones enjoy essential oils safely.


children jumping outside

All it takes a quick glance at our products and you’ll see the KidSafe logo on many of our products. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that these oils are in fact safe for kids. Any oil that came with any sort of caution is automatically not KidSafe. And when it came to developing our KidSafe blends, it was equally important that they be effective while tackling issues specific to kids. You can read more about using essential oils safely around your children in our post The Top 4 Do’s and Don’ts for Using Essential Oils on Kids.


Almond carrier oils plant therapy

Safety and essential oil dilution are inextricably connected to one another. Using an essential oil directly out of the bottle, without diluting it first, can quickly become a one-way ticket to sensitized, irritated skin, or worse. Simply put, we dilute essential oils before applying to the skin to minimize adverse reactions and systemic toxicity. It also helps you use less essential oils in the long run. Diluting with a carrier oil before applying to your skin prevents the essential oil from evaporating as fast as it would if not used with a carrier oil. This reduction in volatility means that more of the essential oil’s therapeutic properties are able to absorb into your skin so it can be spread over a larger area. Be sure to check out How to Dilute Essential Oils: A Comprehensive Guide for all the information you need on safely using essential oils topically.

Diffusing in Public

Plant Therapy Aromfuse Diffuser

Parties, classrooms, offices… it can be tempting to share your love of essential oils with anyone and everyone. However, there are many people out there that can have negative reactions to essential oils. Allergies and breathing conditions like asthma can be aggravated by exposure to essential oils. Not to mention, inhaling specific oils can make some feel nauseous, light-headed, irritable and more.

You just don’t know how everyone will respond, so why take the risk? It’s always best to err on the side of caution so that you don’t unintentionally harm your friends, coworkers or students.

Essential Oils and Surgery

man holding his knee in pain

Before we address anything else, we recommend no oils for at least a week before and after surgery. And please make sure to discuss this with your doctor and follow their pre-op recommendations.

We have many customers and members looking for post-surgical options. However, it is best to avoid using products that are not approved by your doctor. Superficial wounds are one thing, but surgical incisions require much more caution. Please consult with your doctor to be certain they are okay with you using other products (essential oils, hydrosols, etc) as an added benefit. Once the incision is healed, you should be okay using them, but we recommend keeping the dilution low (1%) to start since the skin will be more sensitive for several weeks.

Essential Oils and Cancer

people holding hands in comfort

Cancer is a difficult diagnosis to deal with for everyone involved. And while it may be tempting to use oils to help with the emotional strain, we don’t recommend using essential oils for one week before chemotherapy up to one month after because essential oils have the potential to protect certain cancer cells. Additionally, other oils can be estrogenic which can be particularly dangerous with certain kinds of cancer. Always, always consult with your doctor before using essential oils with this or other medical conditions.

ADHD & Autism

mom helping her son with homework

When it comes to disorders like ADHD and Autism, essential oils can be a helpful tool in navigating that journey. However, you should always discuss using essential oils with your doctor first. For more information on exploring how oils can potentially help in these situations, please check out our blog posts Essential Oils and ADHD and Autism and Essentials Oils.

Essential Oils and Pets

Woman using Pup & Pony blend with her dog

Our pets are practically family! And because we care so much about our furry friends, we created our Pup & Pony so you can safely use essential oils to help tackle issues specific to your beloved dogs and horses. Keep in mind that not all dogs and horses will appreciate your oils. It is important to introduce only Pup & Pony approved oils properly at the correct dilution to make sure they can benefit your pet. Also, not all animals react well to essential oils. Cats, birds, reptiles, and even fish can all have adverse and even fatal reactions. We have a number of articles and guidelines to help you identify which oils are safe to use around dogs and horses and how to incorporate them safely.


Essential oils are an incredible tool that can help support a healthy lifestyle. Hopefully, by now you’ve sensed the theme that they are also incredibly powerful and are not safe for every situation. It is always important to talk to your doctor about essential oil usage when dealing with any medical condition or medications you are taking. Essential oils are not intended to cure or prevent any disease and cannot replace regular healthcare checkups with your doctor.

Above all, we hope your oily journey is both fulfilling and safe.